Assembly Files
The assembly files are generated from the schematics and board layout source
files which were created in CADsoft EAGLE.
The files are all stored in a Git repository at
- Board Layout DXF
- Gerber files
- .top Top Copper Layer
- .smt Top Soldermask
- .slk Top Silkscreen
- .tsp Top Solderpaste
- .bot Bottom Copper Layer
- .smb Bottom Soldermask
- .bsk Bottom Silkscreen
- .bsp Bottom Solderpaste
- .oln PCB Outline
- .drd Excellon Drill Data
- .drl Basic Drill tool information
- .dri Extended Drill tool information
Special Assembly Instructions
- See NOTES: on ASSY drawings for general notes
- Ensure no excess solder is wicked into J0 (USB Micro Connector). Verify a USB
Micro cable can successfully connect
- Ensure J0 (USB Micro Connector) is completely flush to the PCB before/after
reflow. Ensure pins at rear of connector are not lifted off pads.
- Apply epoxy to J0 for additional structural rigidity
- Ensure J2 (OBD-II connector) pins are flush with PCB before soldering
- Ensure J2 (OBD-II connector) is horizontal to PCB before soldering
- LED1 and LED4 (through hole RGB LEDs) must be bent 90 degrees towards front
edge of PCB
- Ensure both through hole electrolytic capacitors (C2 and C3) are flush against
PCB before soldering.
- Ensure part Q2 (12MHz crystal) is oriented such that the long dimension
follows the centerline on the silkscreen layer.
Assembly file output instructions
If you modify the schematics and need to regenerate the assembly files, follow
these instructions.
- Verify silkscreen and PCB Frame artwork reflects accurate revision
- Update layers 125 and 126 - text on top of each component should identify the
part designator
- Delete all content on layer (144) DrillLegend
- run “drillegend.ulp”: Use all default values, click OK.
- Reselect layer (144) and move the newly created drill legend back onto the
- Verify SSC-EAGLE-2Lyr_v1.0.0.3.dru is loaded as current design rules file
- Turn on all copper and stopmask layers, turn off silkscreen layers (skip
silkscreen error checking, silkscreen will be clipped by assembly house)
- Preform DRC/ERC check
- run “drillcfg.ulp”: select “Inch” as output format. Click OK. Save.
- run “” in the CAM processor, click “Process Job”
- run “” in the CAM processor, click “Process Job”
- Double check all gerber files using a gerber file viewer (like gerbv).
- Deselect all layers, select only the following layers: (17)Pads, (18)Vias,
(20)Dimension, (21)tPlace, (22)bPlace, (23)tOrigins, (24)bOrigins,
(49)Reference, (51)tDocu, (52)bDocu, (125)tAssy, (126)bAssy
- run “dxf.ulp”: deselect “Fill Areas”, make sure “mm” is selected under the
“units” header. Save the DXF file.
- Deselect all layers, select only the following layers: (17)Pads, (18)Vias,
(20)Dimension, (21)tPlace, (23)tOrigins, (48)Document, (49)Reference,
(51)tDocu, (125)tAssy, (144)DrillLegend
- Hit print (Ctrl+P), select “Print to File (PDF)” as the printer, select
vehicle-interface_ASSY_TOP.pdf, paper size A4, scale factor 1. Click OK.
- Deselect all layers, select only the following layers: (17)Pads, (18)Vias,
(20)Dimension, (22)bPlace, (24)bOrigins, (48)Document, (49)Reference,
(52)bDocu, (126)bAssy, (144)DrillLegend
- Hit print (Ctrl+P), select “Print to File (PDF)” as the printer, select
vehicle-interface_ASSY_BOT.pdf, paper size A4, scale factor 1. Click OK.
- Deselect all layers, select only the following layers: (1)Top, (16)Bottom,
(17)Pads, (18)Vias, (20)Dimension, (21)tPlace, (22)bPlace, (25)tNames,
(51)tDocu, (52)bDocu
- Zoom in so that PCB is centered in the screen and fills the window as much as
- Select File->Export->Image. Select vehicle-interface.brd.png. Set
“Resolution” to 600. Set “Area” to “Window”.
- In the schematic window, hit print (Ctrl+P), select “Print to File (PDF)” as
the printer, select vehicle-interface.sch.pdf, paper size A4, scale factor 1,
page limit 1 Click OK.
- In the schematic window, select File->Export->Partlist. Select
“”. Click OK.
- Manually compare “” to “”.
Make sure the two lists are consistent.
- Open “CHANGELOG.xls”. Update the file to reflect the new revision.
- Create a zip archive with the following files (at least):
- vehicle-interface.pdf
- vehicle-interface.brd.png
- vehicle-interface_ASSY_TOP.pdf
- vehicle-interface_ASSY_BOT.pdf
- vehicle-interface.tsp
- vehicle-interface.smt
- vehicle-interface.smb
- vehicle-interface.slk
- vehicle-interface.oln
- vehicle-interface.gpi
- vehicle-interface.dxf
- vehicle-interface.drl
- vehicle-interface.dri
- vehicle-interface.drd
- vehicle-interface.bsp
- vehicle-interface.bsk
- vehicle-interface.sch
- vehicle-interface.brd